Isolation of Messes
Today I was thankful for my ability to be a stay at home mom. Sometimes I am just reminded how fortunate I am in this moment. After a sad start & a realization that I was entering ISOLATION (again) the sun started to shine & I decided that Espen & I should walk to the bank, the post office & the grocery store... what a walk! IT was beautiful! And our walk was long & fast. We got our banking, mailing & shopping done and I thought we should stop for a salad so we had lunch and then walked home.
While Espen was taking a 'rest' ~ a nap would have been when he was asleep ~ a rest means he was in his bed talking to himself & ducky ~ I decided to finish my bathroom project. I was getting my gallon of dark brown paint from the basement & the plastic handle broke (of course I was swinging it!). Well unbeknownst to me paint was dripping out of the lid the entire way from the basement to the upstairs bathroom. CRAP. It took me 3 trips up & down to realize that the paint was on the floor. GOOD GRIEF. Not only on the floor but on my new yoga paints. WHY ME?? Well the wall got some and I spent some minutes listening happily to Espen talk to himself while I cleaned the floor of paint. I am not trustworthy with paint (or really anything it seems that can be broken). Since my realtor reads my delightful ramblings I can assure all of you that the new owners will not know I am a clumsy painter because I am an amazing cleaner!! It is not a spotless house (not a museum) because we live here but I am better at housekeeping than ever before! What is even more frightening is that the house in NE (should we ever get there) needs COMPLETELY painted ~ UGH OH. I better have some help perhaps!! And even with my banging & cursing Espen did finally take a nap ~ a lovely long one!!
Our afternoon was then spent outside & doing some domestic chores that are tedious & boring. And most importantly ~ it was spent without incident!
And now I am going to go read this interesting and clever book by a first time author. My sister & I went after this book which I thought was called Chasing Caroline. I knew it had a green cover. The miracle is that I actually found the book and it is called Losing Charolote. That should put a smile on your face!!
BUT first a shout out to my good friend LISA... I love you too girl!! I am quite certain our paths will cross again one day...
{According the the internet dictionaries ISOLATION refers to being alone or separated. At this moment in time I have forwarded the mail & my mailman & I had a chat on Friday - he is making sure NOTHING comes in my name. I have stopped the newspaper. I can choose to stay home or leave the house for days on end. My "partner" in the madness is in another state. My phone rarely rings. Isolation for an extrovert is a hard pill to swallow. So my walk abouts are healthy. The computer is great. And random visits from my neighbor or friends are highlights and keep the isolation beasts from making me crazed.}
While Espen was taking a 'rest' ~ a nap would have been when he was asleep ~ a rest means he was in his bed talking to himself & ducky ~ I decided to finish my bathroom project. I was getting my gallon of dark brown paint from the basement & the plastic handle broke (of course I was swinging it!). Well unbeknownst to me paint was dripping out of the lid the entire way from the basement to the upstairs bathroom. CRAP. It took me 3 trips up & down to realize that the paint was on the floor. GOOD GRIEF. Not only on the floor but on my new yoga paints. WHY ME?? Well the wall got some and I spent some minutes listening happily to Espen talk to himself while I cleaned the floor of paint. I am not trustworthy with paint (or really anything it seems that can be broken). Since my realtor reads my delightful ramblings I can assure all of you that the new owners will not know I am a clumsy painter because I am an amazing cleaner!! It is not a spotless house (not a museum) because we live here but I am better at housekeeping than ever before! What is even more frightening is that the house in NE (should we ever get there) needs COMPLETELY painted ~ UGH OH. I better have some help perhaps!! And even with my banging & cursing Espen did finally take a nap ~ a lovely long one!!
Our afternoon was then spent outside & doing some domestic chores that are tedious & boring. And most importantly ~ it was spent without incident!
And now I am going to go read this interesting and clever book by a first time author. My sister & I went after this book which I thought was called Chasing Caroline. I knew it had a green cover. The miracle is that I actually found the book and it is called Losing Charolote. That should put a smile on your face!!
BUT first a shout out to my good friend LISA... I love you too girl!! I am quite certain our paths will cross again one day...
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