A week at the new house....
The downstairs is nearly painted. At least the common area. The second guest room is down here & it needs paint & carpet (yes there will be a smidge of carpet). We selected this lovely shade of brown for the walls... called naturalist stone. It is really pretty but darker than one of us thought! But it will be completely painted tonight. Then I'm working on my enemy room.....
Today I've also cleaned the jacazui tub. What a mess. And my little helper didn't help much because he kept finding things to throw into the water.... his shoes, a roll of toliet paper, a towel.... so that took a little longer than expected... I have to get it clean because we are tearing up the guest bathroom & I will need to give Espen a bath in the BIG tub next week....
SO when you come visit me... even if the place looks like CRAP... please tell me how lovely it is.. and how great it smells! Because I'm killing myself here trying to get it all done!!
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