BROKEN lawnmower
It is Sunday & the laminate floors are DONE. Doug did an amazing job. Yes sure they are not perfect & there are some gaps that need fixed. BUT all in all the floor looks good. Now it is all about keeping the shoes off it & the dogs clean & dry & calm! And Espen & I from spilling on it!! Laminate is special & doesn't like moisture it seems. So we will do our best!
All of the house EXCEPT the living room, foyer, kitchen & one bath have been painted & have window coverings up (which makes the neighbors happy!). So this week I will work on painting those little spaces AND I am not a clean painter so I am nervous about painting around the new floors but I will try TRY to be careful! The carpet for the downstairs is nearly ordered. We are not sure at this point if it will be installed by May 24 (furniture delivery ~ we changed it & our 13th anniversary). But Doug will be tiling the walkway so the carpet can be installed. And that is all that is left. Except some minor things... really minor...
So since Doug has been frantically trying to get the floors done for us I have taken on the responsibility of mowing the yard. We have a BIG one. We have an odd corner lot & I generally DO NOT MOW. It is THICK & Lush grass that has been tended to by the fertilizer company. We had a little lawn mower that most people have ~ cuts grass, you push it, can have bag attached to catch grass! Well I've been mowing the lawn & because it is so much grass & it is not safe to have Espen out there when I mow, I only do it when he naps. And sometimes the sound of the mower scares him. So I do the lawn in 30 minute increments over a couple days. If I mowed straight through I calculate it would take me 2 & 1/2 hours to mow the whole lawn (that is ALOT OF GRASS). With the lawn mower we have ~ or had.
I'm out mowing the back & y
elling at the dogs to get out of the way. They would not move so I released the bar which should have shut the mower down so I could move the dogs and the darn thing kept going. So I kept mowing, just changed my route so the dogs would not be in my way. I mowed some more & then got thirsty so was intending to go get a drink and I released the bar again & IT KEPT GOING. Doug could not hear me as he was cutting & installing floor & Espen was napping. So my only option was to keep mowing until I ran it out of gas. I knew I was close because I had checked before I started! So I mowed and mowed until I ran out of gas. I was nearly done too.... I pushed it over to the garage & told Doug that it was broken. He said.... "I wish you'd stop touching things because everything you touch ends up broken". And he is right. So he rigged it for me so I could finish. The engine was SO slow that he told me to walk slowly. So I had to finish SLOWLY. It took me some time to finish. But I did & by the time I was done the lawnmower was SMOKING. Doug had to unplug the spark plug to get it shut off... and it is not going to come back on. So I have a week to find a new lawnmower. UUUHHHGGGGG... Well it will be a little bit bigger that is for sure!! Cause if I have to mow the lawn, I don't want to take so long to do it!
So this week I think we are slowing down a little. I was finally able to take the dogs for a run at a field & today I took them all for a walk. Espen LOVES riding in BOB so we walked for over an hour... he was so happy to just look at all the houses & flowers & people.... and the dogs were happy to be walking again... and I need new shoes cause my feet hurt!! But it was good to get some air & feel like progress has been made & that we can almost call it home... ALMOST....
Hi! I miss you and have been wanting to call but everytime I think of it, it is not a good time. Too early, too late, driving in the city or another cell phone free zone. You have probably figured that I won't be able to come out this weekend. There are a lot of things going on even though Martin will be closer to you. Things are pretty much the same with us. We are still working on the basement although not as frantically as you are. I love hearing about your adventures although I must admit they make me a little sad knowing that you are so far away and I won't be able to see you or Doug or Espen for quite awhile and see with my own eyes all the stuff you are doing. Did you find a pediatrician? Courtney