September 29 ~ 2011 Backyard People
The strangest thing however is happening. My son is a front yard person. He has a swing set, jumpy house, sand box and huge grassy area in the back yard to play in. And yet if given a choice he will want to play in the front yard. He has a bike, a tractor & a 4wheeler that he can ride on the sidewalks and driveway. He is learning to throw a football & bounce a basketball and he would rather do that in the front yard or the driveway.
I don't like playing in the front yard. Espen is fast and has been know to dart into the street. Cars move fast on our dead end street. I have a paralyzing fear that he will be run over by a car. Our driveway is sloped and he can't always stop his bike before he reaches the street.. I have to constantly be at the ready. He loves a good chase & will on occassion just run down the sidewalk & get 3 or 4 houses away in the blink of an eye. I don't want to be a front yard person.
I want my son to play in the backyard oasis. I want a bigger fence that he can't climb over. I want a cement patio to sit on and sip iced tea in the summer and hot chocolate in front of my fire pit in the winter. Neighbors from either side of us can see our backyard. They visit with me over the fence on occassion. The kids lean over the fence & play with the dog or Espen. Yes I want that neighbor connection but not when I'm trying to enjoy my private time! Visit with me when I step out on my front step. When I'm clearly saying... "I am out in my front, come visit with me."....
And so as I train Espen to have front yard common sense... I guess I am turning into a front yard person.. I sit out there on my step in my pj's with my coffee watching people drive to work while my son runs on the sidewalk... my backyard oasis forgotten as I think about what the neighbors must think of my corner family...
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