October 4 ~ 2011 a 2 year old MESS
How much of a mess can one 2 year old make? I have an idea! After getting up early, showering, driving to swim lessons, swimming, having lunch with daddy & visiting with the guys at Dietze one would think Espen would be READY for a nap!! We played outside a bit and I determined it was nap time... and again I was really excited because I was going to throw or do something in my studio. I put him down and he snuggled in with his lovies. Then I heard the blinds roll up and the diaper come off... He had moved the trash can and was trying to pee in it. So I put him on the toliet where he did nothing but play. Back into the bed. And again the blinds and the diaper came off.... I put him in coveralls this time and put them on backwards.. and then I left him alone for an hour & a half. He never slept but also didn't cry so I left him in his room....and WOWOWO... there was a mess from hell... all the clothes from the closet were hanging when I put him in there! The diapers were in the drawer. The wipes were in a box. And under that mess was poop. Not any on Espen... he wiped it all off... how he got out of the coveralls is beyond me... So today he helped me clean up the mess. He scrubbed the floor. He picked up the clothes and books. He loves cleaning... I have no idea... I'm at a total loss.. I thought we were very close to being out of diapers but he has back tracked alot... and I'm just flustered....
So tomorrow is a new day...and I'm getting some sleep. And we will play outside.... and see what happens...
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