Not only does my son know when to use MOM, MAMMA, MOMMY but he also knows my full name. It is sweet and cute. He also knows his full name and daddys and Anders names.... it is hard to say the last name but he does a darn good job. He is a little repeater so it was not hard to teach it to him. And it melts my heart to hear it.
Some years ago I nearly gave up the notion that anyone would ever call me mamma. Now 2+ years after he was born I can't imagine not hearing it. Every day I am surprised at his language growth and development. I go to bed each night exhuasted but massively in love with the smallest little guy.... and it doesn't matter if he calls me mom, mamma or mommy... the fact of the matter is he is calling me... and I never thought I'd hear it....
Most moms have this same reaction when their children call them... to a woman who had given up, who waited years to finally adopt... these words are the music of her dreams...and I will again go to bed exhausted and I will hear "good morning mamma" when he gets into bed with us at 7am....
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