My little boy slept in on Christmas day.... strange! And then when he got up... he discovered some exciting presents! But first found the SCOOTER!! And of course one must ride the scooter in the house! And then he started with the helicopter Lego's and THEN discovered the hockey stick!! Well by this time we were all up & drinking coffee and attempting to get him to open some gifts!! So the process was mighty slow this year. But the nice thing was we were not in a hurry! We opened & tried on & played with everything! Slowly... then we had breakfast! Then some time later after all the gifts upstairs were played with we proceeded downstairs.... and the excitement began all over again because the ATV was left downstairs!! He climbed on and was ready to go!! And the weather was great for riding an ATV outside!! Our afternoon was spent outside and at the park and playing!
Like many, we ate a giant meal and sat around!! To see the joy on our sons face... and to enjoy so much fun with those we love... it was a great day!
And we thank everyone who sent gifts and well wishes! It made our day even more special! MERRY CHRISTMAS....
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