
Are you ever just thankful for the gifts the world sends your way. Today I am. I am thankful for the 4 young people that are a part of my life. I am thankful for the internet and that randomly they send me messages. I miss them and I am thankful for having them in my life!

I'm thankful to have a part time job. I wanted to be fortunate to be at home with the baby & I am. And somedays the lack of a second income is shocking still but I am thankful for the quirky part time job which allows me to have lunch, buy new shoes, get Espen new shoes & clothes when needed.

I am thankful for my zippy little red car that everyone but me finds silly.... I love zippy.

I am thankful for Julios chips & orange juice....

And for good books (this latest is based in Norway, written by a Norwegian).

And I'm thankful for having a place to put random thoughts.... hope you are thankful for something too....


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