Jan 10~2011

It was a SNOW day... and still it is snowing. When it started I will admit, I was pretty excited. And then I heard schools were closing and I don't even go to school but that is exciting! And when we woke up today there was LOTS of snow. I thought I could dress up Espen & I and go shovel it. Well that DID NOT WORK OUT. It just made me upset & flustered & my stress level (that I've been trying to maintain) went sky high. Espen wanted to play & run & I was trying to shovel & got flustered when I had to keep chasing him & putting his little gloves back on. And there was ALOT of snow... it was heavy and hard work.

I got so upset that I threw that shovel down & snatched up the baby & in we went. He got warm. I calmed down. Nate slept. Some time later when Espen was laying in his room I noticed the neighbor across the street using her snowblower to clear the people next to her. It was nice of her. And then to my utter surprise she came & did my sidewalk & driveway. I went outside to thank her for her kindness and nearly cried. Nate slept. So the drive & sidewalks were cleared and I did my best to keep up with the falling snow... it was not easy ~ I had to take Espen each time but it was easier since it was not so much snow. But we were out there shoveling 3 times. Just Espen & I. I got him a little shovel. And I pulled him on the sled in between scoops. I taught him the fine art of snowballs so he could throw them at me & that kept in my eyesight.

And now it is night and it is still snowing. So tomorrow it looks like I have to do it all again. Perhaps without the kindness of the neighbor. And at this point ~ I am DONE with winter....


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